Whatever you’re looking for… Middlebury has it!

Raffle Draw the 15th of January!

Raffle Draw the 15th of January!

The Better Middlebury Partnership (BMP) is excited to announce the raffle draw for their annual chocolate bar fundraiser, scheduled for January 15, 2025. Participants who purchased the limited-edition milk chocolate bars infused with sea salt, each containing a unique...

About the BMP

For over 35 years, The Better Middlebury Partnership (Experience Middlebury) has been an integral part of the Middlebury Community. The BMP is the principal advocate for a sustainable, vibrant, and engaging Middlebury community.

Last Two Weeks of the Chocolate 🍫 Bar Raffle

Last Two Weeks of the Chocolate 🍫 Bar Raffle

Subject: Reminder: Register Your Chocolate Raffle Bar Number! 🍫 Dear Friends, Have you registered your unique number for the Middlebury Chocolate Raffle Bar yet? Don’t miss your chance! Each bar comes with a special number, and you’ll need to register it...

Looking Ahead

Looking Ahead

As we reflect on 10 months of learning and growing in this role, we’re feeling incredibly grateful for the journey so far. Behind the scenes, BMP is hard at work planning for 2025—a year that promises to bring a blend of old favorites you love and fresh, exciting...

A New Year

A New Year

May the year ahead bring clarity of purpose, a vision to guide you, and health to carry you through. May friendships and family fill your heart, and may your work bring you joy—or at least moments of quiet satisfaction. Here’s to a year of hope, growth, and love.

Thank you for a wonderful year

Thank you for a wonderful year

With huge thanks to everyone who has made this BMP job fun, exhilarating, varied, stimulating, challenging (at times!) but ALWAYS inspiring and interesting. We love our job: helping make Middlebury a wonderful place to LIVE, WORK & PLAY. We will be taking some...

Lighting up the dark During Midd Stroll Merry Middlebury!

Lighting up the dark During Midd Stroll Merry Middlebury!

A much anticipated event during Merry Middlebury Midd Stroll each year is the arrival of The SD Ireland Cement Mixer! This year, SD was joined by Rudolph the State Snow Plow, and both drew gasps of delight!  Both trucks ( and their drivers!)  tour the state to raise...

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