Middlebury’s tradition of lighting the falls is a magical celebration of light in the darkness, transforming a beloved spot into a festive wonderland. The falls, already a favorite town landmark, take on an almost otherworldly charm, reflecting the unique character of...


Get ready for Middlebury’s annual Spooktacular event, coming to Main Street on October 26th, 2024, from 2-5 PM! This beloved community tradition promises fun for the whole family, and Main Street will be closed for safe and spooky trick-or-treating. Come dressed in...
Celebrating Romance in Middlebury

Celebrating Romance in Middlebury

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, so we thought we’d share with you all of the ways Middlebury can help you make the day special for your loved ones! First, the tried-and-true traditional gifts for your sweetheart: flowers and chocolate! Middlebury is...
Middlebury “Vermonting” in the Fall

Middlebury “Vermonting” in the Fall

Traditional Fall Activities you won’t want to miss! Visit an Orchard Pick your own apples, or just pick up your favorites by the bag or bushel. Try some apple cider and cider donuts. Happy Valley Orchard, 217 Quarry Road, Middlebury, VT – map | websiteSunrise...