Since 1966, The Better Middlebury Partnership (Experience Middlebury) has been an integral part of the Middlebury Community. We are a nonprofit organization led by a diverse volunteer board that fosters a vibrant, inclusive, and thriving Middlebury community. Click here to view our bylaws.
Current BMP Board of Directors
Amey Ryan
Ashley Betton
Amy Carlin
Chris Hammond
Christy Lynn
David Hohenschau
Elizabeth Ryks
Farhad Kahn
Jen Bleich
Jonathan Connor
Nancie Dunn
Pete Nelson
Phil Summers
Wendy Hirdler
Executive Directors
Kathryn Torres
Kelly Flynn
Through trustworthy communication, collective advocacy, and a focus on engagement, we strive to make Middlebury a better place to live, work, and play:
- Advocate for businesses and the community at local, state, and national levels to support the community’s health and vitality.
- Serve as the recognized Vermont Designated Downtown organization for Middlebury.
- Provide administrative support to the Downtown Improvement District Commission.
- Represent the Middlebury community on various local commissions and boards, both formal and informal.
Moving to the area? Looking to start a new business? Want to join the team?
We want to hear from you!

Get Involved
Sponsor Opportunities | Sponsoring a community event in whole or in part is a great way to get your brand and business in the public eye. There are opportunities year-round!
Summer Market Collaborators | Love fresh, local foods and supporting small local businesses? Become a Friend of the Market and help support the local farmers and artisans that make Middlebury and Addison County so unique.
Become a Volunteer | Be a part of all the excitement! Join our team of volunteers to gain access to special events, limited-edition event apparel, and memories to last a lifetime!

Artwork Credit: Peter Huntoon